Friday, December 9, 2011

Let's talk about New Talent Submissions...

When submitting to Michele & Group, Inc. for new talent consideration, we ask the potential model to send in the most recent (1-2 days) of unedited digital images in a bathing suit.

Why do we ask new talent submissions to do this?
Since we sign models nationwide, we are unable to meet everyone. It is apparent that your photos represent your true form. We take great pride in our reputation to have the best talent in the business and we will not risk our talent showing up to a booking where they do not resemble the photos we submitted to the client.
Photoshop can be great for small touch-ups. As you can see in the picture below, Photoshop has given this model a different body type.

What is the correct way to take digital images to submit to Michele & Group, Inc.?
We suggest that you wear light makeup and have your hair in a natural style. Grab a bikini that makes you feel FABULOUS and a neutral pair of heals (if you don't want to be barefoot). Stand against a plain wall and have a family member take photos of you: full front, full back, full side and a close-up of your face. 

I don't have someone to take the photos for me?
If you don't have someone to take the photos for you, you can submit photos that you take of yourself in the mirror. Please note that you will need to have someone take photos of you for your file. 

I don't have time to do the photos, can I still be considered for representation?
The answer simply is no. If you can not take the time to send in the required photos, we will assume that you are not serious about working. 

Who will see the photos?
Only the agency and clients who request to see digital images will see the photos. Your photos will NOT be posted to our website or shared with anyone. 

I don't feel like I am in shape right now...
Do not worry! We are not here to judge your body. We only need to see what you currently look like for submissions to our clients. We understand that your weight will fluctuate or you may be having a "fat day". Just remember what you may think doesn't look good, others may find super attractive!!

I am already signed with Michele & Group, how often should I send in digitals?
Once a month would be GREAT but we can settle for every three months. Remember that the more you stay in contact with us and update your information that more you stay at the front of our minds for bookings. Updating your information with us, keeps us from doing unnecessary work. 


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